Eric Adams Reportedly Subpoenaed In Federal Probe

By 50artists50states

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Mayor Eric Adams discusses public safety and quality of life...

Source: Pacific Press / Getty / Eric Adams

The federal inquiry regarding NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ 2021 campaign remains a significant issue for him.

Raw Story has reported that Mayor Adams was reportedly subpoenaed in connection with the continuing federal inquiry into corruption and illegal campaign contributions.

According to Raw Story:

Three subpoenas were issued in July, with The New York Times reporting that they demand a variety of materials, including texts, documents, and other communications. These inquiries reportedly focus on the travels of Adams, his staff, and fundraising efforts.

Notably, the subpoenas were directed to Adams, City Hall, and his mayoral campaign, as per an article from CNN. The subpoena aimed at City Hall includes questions about his trip to Turkey.

Reports indicate that federal authorities are examining whether there was an illicit agreement between Adams and the Turkish government, which may have resulted in unlawful campaign financing and complimentary upgrades from Turkish Airlines.

The New York Times also highlights that the investigation is looking into whether Mayor Adams promoted the fire department to approve a new Turkish consulate skyscraper, which has raised safety concerns.

Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for Adams, responded to CNN regarding the situation, indicating that the Mayor anticipates cooperation in hopes of “swiftly concluding this investigation.”

Levy further stated, “As someone with a background in law enforcement, the Mayor has made it clear for the past nine months that he will assist with any ongoing investigations. That stance remains unchanged.”


This recent development follows the seizure of two of Adams’s phones by federal authorities, and the homes of two of his associates were also reportedly raided.

It remains to be seen if this investigation will have serious repercussions for the Mayor of NYC.

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